Every year around this time, bettors and horse racing enthusiasts start talking about what three year olds will be running in the Kentucky Derby. Every year with a stacked field of talented horses reaching to twenty, picking the Kentucky Derby winner can be tough!
Bet Thoroughbreds has made you a how to guide to pick the Kentucky Derby winner this year! There are many ways you can go about picking your Kentucky Derby winners. Some are scientific and some are not-so-scientific, but whatever your way is, the Kentucky Derby will prove to be an exciting race!!! If you need help on how to bet check out our Basics of Horse Betting.
Below are a few tried and true strategies for picking the Kentucky Derby winner. Try it out for this years Kentucky Derby and let us know how it goes!
1) Pick Kentucky Derby Winner: BLINDLY!
It’s always fun to just close your eyes and randomly pick a Kentucky Derby winner! It has the element of surprise and you instantly become loyal to “your” horse. If any one talks trash about “your” horse, you will defend them to the end and list all the reasons s/he will win: “S/He is way prettier than the other horses” or “Did you see the color of his tail?!”
Along with this strategy of picking the Kentucky Derby winner, it’s always fun to sometimes mess up your betting. If you are betting multiple races and horses, sometimes getting the numbers jumbled as you bet can result in you betting the wrong horse or the wrong race, but end up with you winning money! Having no idea what you are doing and being lousy with numbers could pay off!!!!
2)Pick Kentucky Derby Winner: The Name Game
A wonderful list of names are available every year for the Kentucky Derby, and who doesn’t like picking a Kentucky Derby winner based solely on their name?! This strategy is probably the easiest and most fun, and it’s really simple!!! Below you will find the list of contenders from the 2012 Kentucky Derby:
1-Daddy Long Legs
3-Take Charge Indy
4-Union Rags
7-Rousing Sermon
8-Creative Cause
10-Daddy Knows Best
13-Went the Day Well
16-El Padrino
17-Done Talking
19-I’ll Have Another
I mean, how do you pick just one Kentucky Derby winner by their name?! Look at these names, Daddy Long Legs for the lover of spiders, I’ll Have Another for the lover of alcohol, Rousing Sermon for the bible thumpers, Take Charge Indy for NASCAR fans! This is just a smorgasbord of names for every walk of life!!! Gemologistis good, right, because gems are a girl’s best friend?! And Optimizer just sounds so cool!
Every year for the Kentucky Derby you will find a field of colorfully named horses so give it a try!
3) Pick Kentucky Derby Winner: Beauty Contest
Ahh yes, the pretty ones always win right? This is along the same lines as picking out your favorite name, but here you pick your horse based solely on “I think’s he’s the prettiest.” It’s the most vain strategy for picking the Kentucky Derby winner, and therefore, loved by most. Using the field from the 2012 Kentucky Derby again, there was one horse everyone would have picked! He has been called the GQ Cover Man for horses, and that is none other than UNION RAGS. He is literally a drop dead gorgeous Tom Brady type:
Any horse you choose as Kentucky Derby winner based on looks is valid, as they are all beautiful creatures!
So you can pick either/or on this one to pick the Kentucky Derby winner. If you don’t like any of the above mentioned ways to pick the Kentucky Derby winner, and want something more concrete, you can always go with the favorite! However, favorites have a way of, well, not winning that often! So player beware!
On the flip side, you can just say to hell with it all and pick the horse that has the longest odds, and therefore, the highest payout! Going this route to pick the Kentucky Derby winner can be far more exciting! Many times in Kentucky Derby history the longshot has won! Anyone remember Giacamo?!
5)Pick Kentucky Derby Winner: Handicap
This is obviously the most time consuming and means that you will be following the Kentucky Derby trail for the next few months. Watching prospects race, workout, checking in on trainer and such. Also, it means you have studied the Daily Racing Form ad nausea and are ready to pick the Kentucky Derby Winner!
Who will be the Kentucky Derby Winner?!
In closing, have fun with this years Kentucky Derby and the race to the Triple Crown. For the horse racing enthusiast and amateur bettor, it’s an exciting race to bet on. So pick a way and have at it and pick that Kentucky Derby Winner!!
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